You and I are not happy with the impasse in government and we are not at all pleased with the Obama administration education program.
But I think we have to consider that the President should get considerable credit for what did or didn't happen to medicare and access to health care in this country.
On Monday I will be going to the University Medical Center to get a new right knee. I've been extremely well prepared for this. I've been screened by my many specialists: Neurologist, nephrologist, cardiologist, primary care, ophthalmologist, even my podiatrist. I've been informed by a surgical nurse, the anesthesiologist and my orthopedic surgeon..Oh and my physical therapist. ( who makes house calls) I am so ready. I've made my own choices of general vs local anesthesia. And I'm pleased to know that while he is at it I will be getting my bow leg straightened. Did you know they can do that?
I'll be spending at least three days in a private room with a nurse who only has four patients. I'll be able to call any time of night or day for food- they want me to eat.
I'm among the lucky Americans who has access to the best of American medical technology. I have medicare which will pay for most of this. And I am still part of the University (state) medical plan through United .
Yetta and I pay over $800 per month for this. Hopefully when "Obama care" kicks in this access will be exapnnded to at least a few million others.
Obama didn't get what he wanted in his health plan but he also protected what we have from the attempt to destroy health care and social security mounted by key republicans.
Last night on Bill Maher's show an apologist named Krum said we should welcome the possibility of Romney being the republican nominee and getting elected because any of the others would be far worse.
The reality is that we have to get behind Obama because any alternative the Republicans would offer is pledged to take us back to the era of the robber barons that preceded the reforms of both Roosevelts.
The old red scare has been tried against Obama - they called him a socialist (would that he were) but now he is being accused of trying to turn the country into European social welfare state (would that he was ).
As I see it the only way Obama could lose to any of these is if large numbers of progressives don't vote.
We can't let that happen.
Sitting Shiva—March 13, 2020 Early morning in the desert oasis. There is no flickering light across the courtyard. Ken Goodman is not sitting at his desk writing. We went out last night to look at the stars. Yetta and daughters, nieces and nephews, grandchildren, great grandchildren running (and toddling) around. Finding the big dipper, the north star, and Orion's belt, the children imagining. The stars shine so brightly here at night. We are together. He is in our hearts.

Rainbow over Galileo Lane, Tucson
Completely agree about Obama. I will certainly support his re-election. BUT I worry that Federal education policy will alienate lots of teachers who will stay home, and Obama will lose the election. It is up to us to publicize what the Dept of Ed is doing, to get the dems to change their ways. I wonder if the president knows what is going on, based on his comment a few months ago that there is too much testing ...